Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Sharing fundraising info to other NPOs

As a new member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, I wrote up these notes for the Tucson Women's Chorus (TWC) http://www.tucsonwomenschorus.org.  I am also now a board member of TWC and have been a chorus member for the past two seasons.

I am learning as I grow in the co-chair role of TWC's fundraising committee.  So, as I share fundraising info with TWC, I thought it might benefit others among the Better for Us/BuildUP^ network to also have periodic fundraising info.

The Pima County Library's Non Profit Center is a good place to start (which I did), and I found the book, Forces for Good..., at their Himmel Branch Library.  http://www.pima.library.gov

Notes on Fundraising from the book, Forces for Good…  

There are six primary myths about what NPOs need to do in order to be successful:
1.      Practice perfect management
2.      Implement Brand Name awareness
3.      Create/produce break-through ideas
4.      Develop a textbook mission statement (successful NPOs have one but focus on program delivery rather than spend time on perfecting a mission statement)
5.      Demonstrate high ratings on conventional measurement metrics
6.      Have large budgets

Instead, successful NPOs perform these six elements:
1.      Advocate and Serve
2.      Make Markets Work by developing earned income and return on investments
3.      Inspire Evangelists*--volunteers are more than free labor; volunteers are engaged with the NPOs core values and mission
4.      Nurture broader NPO networks
5.      Master the art of adaptation
6.      Share leadership

*Volunteers are “transformed” by the NPOs effort through Rules of Engagement which are…
·        Communicate mission, vision and values to all volunteers and members
·        Create meaningful experiences for all volunteers and members
·        Cultivate a “face” of a superevangelist such as Jimmy Carter for Habitat for Humanity
·        Build a social network committed to the NPO

Compiled by Anita C. Fonte, 2018 Community Renaissance, www.communityrenaissance.webstarts.com 520.331.5582

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Sharing fundraising info to other NPOs

As a new member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, I wrote up these notes for the Tucson Women's Chorus (TWC) http://www.t...