Saturday, March 31, 2018

turning it over

It's been an interesting journey for Community Renaissance these past 5 years.  Since our work ended for Imagine Greater Tucson (and before that six years with the Grant Road Improvement Project), we have engaged with TENWEST, TEDxTucson, initiated Do Happy Today and BuildUp Tucson, while supporting the inital stages of ROGUE Communities.

Times they are a changing---Bob Dylan's song revised last Saturday by Jenifer Hudson at the #MarchforourLives in Washington D.C.  We progressives know that 2016 was a turning point for our country and 2018 may be another.  Times of change are accelerating, indeed.

And yet, finding a path for Community Renaissance that is meaningful and of value can be a slow process.  This is where Community Renaissance finds itself at this moment.  We are letting go of coordinating both Do Happy Today and BuildUP Tucson.  A primary Community Renaissance Associate, Tina Marie Wilken (formerly Tina Marie Summers), is taking on the coordination of Do Happy Today.  BuildUP Tucson is going dormant until and if one of our community partners asks us to step up to another chapter of work.

The revised 2017 Walkabout Talkabout Booklet is having another spin with Southwest Fair Housing Council as a future educational outreach tool and, posssibly, adding another layer of asset data to their Opportuity Index.  We are hopeful this will be meaningful to the greater Tucson community and beyond.

So, new postings at and will keep you informed.

Sharing fundraising info to other NPOs

As a new member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, I wrote up these notes for the Tucson Women's Chorus (TWC) http://www.t...