Friday, December 9, 2016

TEDx Tucson: Imagine Annual Conference

What better way to start off the new year than by imagining a world full of positive and creative ideas. TEDx Tucson will be offering its annual conference on January 14th and here is the complete info on the event.

TEDxTucson’s day-long Conference on January 14, 2016
Program runs from 9am to 5pm (doors open at 9, after-party starts at 4)

Watching TED and TEDx talks on the web is great, but IMAGINE sitting in the audience! Now you can. Please join us for an educational and illuminating day.

TEDxTucson creates unique community events featuring diverse, multi-generational thought leaders from all walks of life.  We support contemporary themes and highly interactive learning. We facilitate community discussions so that, together, we can envision the impact of emerging ideas.  You can buy tickets now to attend our annual event. 

We aim to promote innovations and to inspire lifelong learning among our community members. Our priority is to build a community of ideas, with an engaged and thoughtful audience. We'd be thrilled to include you!  Join us!

Get tickets at or at

Tickets are going fast!
    $50 for General Admission
    $35 for Students or Retirees
    $65 for VIP tickets

The ticket price includes
    10 fantastic speakers
     2 delightful musical acts
     Catered breaks
     Legendary After-party

Enjoy our interactive experiences while networking with Tucson’s best and brightest!

Venue – the beautiful Berger Theater, 1200 W. Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ  85745.  Free parking.

Doors open at 9:00 a.m.
Program runs from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
After-Party starts at 4 p.m.

Sharing a Single Breath - Teré Fowler-Chapman.  An award winning, gender fluid writer, she is a wordsmith. Community organizer. Educator. Family Man.
How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals  - Stephen Dunerier.  As an accomplished business leader, institutional investor, author, coach, professor and artist, who in his spare time has learned to unicycle, slackline, fly aerobatically, play the drums, perform comedy and race cars, while building a global community of artists across 43 countries and all 50 US states, Stephen is what happens when the right brain and left brain learn to work together.  He calls himself “just some guy.”
Warrior Spirit: Bringing Sexual Abuse out of the Shadows - Danielle McFarland .  Taking us through her own journey of recovery from early childhood sexual abuse using her inner healer and warrior spirit as guides, author Danielle McFarlin shows us how we all can transform and heal in a rape culture society.
Healing with Better Health Literacy - Molly Hottle.  Molly strives to use her strategic communication expertise to help close the literacy gap between medical professionals and the patients they treat to improve the overall health of the country and beyond.
Diagnosing Dog Behavior Correctly Will Save Dogs' Lives -  Karyn Garvin.  The “Divine Dog” Trainer, Karyn is a professional dog trainer, devoted to saving dogs’ lives.
Planting the Rain to Grow Abundance - Brad Lancaster, social advocate, author and artist. Brad is the author of the award-winning books Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond.
Lost and Found - Jitesch Vaswani, a techie by profession, and a yogi by heart, speaks about how to remain present.
Immersive History - Using Virtual Reality to Understand the Past - Tony Ford.  He  has over 25 years experience in media, marketing, and business development   He is the co-founder of,, and is currently creating new storytelling methods for film and virtual reality As CEO of Darc Fusion.
When Did Poverty Become A Death Sentence? - Josiah Cantrall.  As a child of poverty himself, serial entrepreneur Josiah Cantrall proves what is possible when individuals refuse to allow their hopes and dreams to be limited by their circumstances or mindset.
Skating Downhill: The Art of Claiming Your Life - Adiba Nelson.  Adiba has yet to find a reason to sit down and shut up.

Are through EventBrite, and include catered breaks.  You can go to or at

After Party
Our after-party is what distinguishes TEDxTucson as an experience, not just an event.  We host drinks and little nibbles back stage (everyone has backstage passes).  We encourage all of our attendees – the ones that appeared on stage, as well as the ones from the audience – to engage in conversation about Tucson and how we imagine our future. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Learning about Pokemon Go and Holographic Tech at TENWEST Festival

photo by anita c. fonte

My first session at Tucson's TENWEST Festival last week was titled: Augmented Reality, and began with two enthusiastic speakers from the City of Tucson/Reid Park Zoo.  The executive director, Jason Jacobs and their event planner, Melissa McCargar, shared the "fast track" story about how the zoo incorporated Pokemon Go (an augmented reality game) into their summer schedule.  Expecting 500-1,000 paying patrons on 2 nights at the zoo, who would be looking for Pokemon characters, the event ballooned into 3-4,000 people and extended to 5 nights. Partnering with Tucson Comic-Con and the local business, Heroes & Villains, the expanded event netted $68,000 for the zoo and 200 new memberships.

The second speaker, Peter Nolan, from Tactile Company/Phoenix promoted Microsoft's HoloLens--a tech tool combining virtual and augmented reality=mixed reality.  As he demonstrated the tool, holographic 3D images were shown (using google maps) of Reid Park Zoo and (for 3D excitement) Niagara Falls.

Although much of this information (and the tools) are beyond my practice, learning about them helped me imagine how to embrace the new tech world with a little less anxiety and consider the possibilities for: a) using these resources to expand interest in and support of entertainment venues (such as the zoo), and b) using a HoloLens to train employees in "how to" do a virtual task without having to actually "do" it, thus avoiding unnecessary risks on the job.

So, right from the start, Tucson's 2nd TENWEST Festival had me at "hello."

Monday, October 31, 2016

UA Geo Spatial Planning Project, a collaboration with BuildUP^ Tucson & Beyond

While the TENWEST Festival was wrapping up the UA Collaboration Leadership Summit on Poverty was taking place.  It's impossible to be in both places--which is why it's so important to connect through social media resources.  And that's what Iris Patten and Anita Fonte have been doing since the first BuildUP^ Tucson & Beyond gathering in April.  Through the summer BuildUP^ gatherings face-to-face, the first UA GeoSpatial Project meeting in July, Facebook pages, and yes, the occasional phone calls, the trajectory of the UA's effort has been generating next steps.

Last week, through site visits to two neighborhoods (Barrio Anita and Barrio Blue Moon), 10/27-28 Summit sessions on how to measure project outcomes and how to impact local policies, how to frame the project with authentic community-based language, the effort is designing these actions:
  • With the two, and possibly other engaged neighborhoods, conduct an "energy challenge" which measures concrete "energy" elements (water use, electricity, etc.) as well as the less concrete element of neighborhood activities/social capital. January 7-March, 20, 2017 
    • Note:  The conclusion of the initial challenge will coincide with 3rd International Day of Happiness 
  • Develop a partnership with Tucson Electric Power and other energy corporations.
  • Apply for seed money 
  • Create a University of Arizona "Planners in Residence" Program with graduate students embedded in the participating neighborhoods 2017 and into the future.
For more information on how to get involved in this effort, contact Iris Patten at

One of several groups at UA GeoSpatial Summit, photo by Iris Patten

More highlights from the TENWEST Festival Field Notes by Anita, will be coming in the days ahead.

Photo by Anita C. Fonte

Friday, October 28, 2016

Updates for BuildUP^ and Intro to TENWEST "my notes from the field"

First of all--we are postponing our Innovate Our Neighborhoods/BuildUP^ event, originally scheduled for 11/12.  Look for a new date in early 2017--delayed for a few weeks since the holiday season "officially" begins with Halloween-New Year and folks are busy with other commitments.

Second--it's been an exciting week at the 2nd Tucson TENWEST Festival.  I have pages of notes to share (just my highlights) and will be making several short posts to cover them.  Please go to and for continuing info on TENWEST going forward into 2017.

Here's a few of my smartphone photos to tweak your interest and short comments.  More will be coming next week.

Planning for the many sessions and events began in late Spring at Startup Tucson/CoLab.  Here is one of the Festival leaders, Greg Teesdale, and another event planner eyeing the schedule as we began our detailed sessions.

Here's an example of just one of this week's sessions where there was standing room only!  Sessions were held at CoLab or (as in this photo) at the UA SBS building, both locations in downtown Tucson.

For only $35.00 for all sessions (and Friday's Rialto events/TEDxTucson), Festival participants received this laser-cut id. badge.  And these are the first pages of my notes.

Updates for BuildUP^ and Intro to TENWEST "my notes from the field"

First of all--we are postponing our Innovate Our Neighborhoods/BuildUP^ event, originally scheduled for 11/12.  Look for a new date in early 2017--delayed for a few weeks since the holiday season "officially" begins with Halloween-New Year and folks are busy with other commitments.

Second--it's been an exciting week at the 2nd Tucson TENWEST Festival.  I have pages of notes to share (just my highlights) and will be making several short posts to cover them.  Please go to and for continuing info on TENWEST going forward into 2017.

Here's a few of my smartphone photos to tweak your interest and short comments.  More will be coming next week.

Planning for the many sessions and events began in late Spring at Startup Tucson/CoLab.  Here is one of the Festival leaders, Greg Teesdale, and another event planner eyeing the schedule as we began our detailed sessions.

Here's an example of just one of this week's sessions where there was standing room only!  Sessions were held at CoLab or (as in this photo) at the UA SBS building, both locations in downtown Tucson.

For only $35.00 for all sessions (and Friday's Rialto events/TEDxTucson), Festival participants received this laser-cut id. badge.  And these are the first pages of my notes.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Build Up^ Continues and Evolves

At the August BuildUP^ Tucson & Beyond Meeting, info sharing focused on the outcomes of the UA's GeoSpatial Collaborative Planning Project and its October 2nd Session, the 20th and 21st.  Iris Patten has established a facebook page for continued participation and it can be found at .  Info was also shared about the continued outreach from the Mindfulness Education Exchange to offer classes to organizations as well as individuals and on the upcoming Rainbow Build event with Tucson Habitat for Humanity Updates on the TENWEST Festival was also shared and tickets for that event October 21-28 can be purchased at .

NEW ANNOUNCEMENT:  In continued support of the TENWEST Festival, Community Renaissancewill be purchasing four tickets to be raffled at the September BuildUP^ Tucson & Beyond gathering in late September.  The date is still pending for the September gathering, but it will take place at the usual location, La Cocina, 201 N. Court Avenue, 5:30-7 p.m.

BuildUP^ Tucson & Beyond is evolving into a next stage:  Innovate our Neighborhoods.  An initial intro and planning meeting for this collaborative effort is happening on November 12, 10-1p.m. at Tucson Habitat for Humanity.  This creative collaboration will combine resources from UA's GeoSpatial Project, ASU's Happiness Lab, Southwest Fair Housing Council's Opportunity Index, the Santa Monica Well-being Project's Toolkit and other local and national resources to produce new (i.e. innovative) methods of engaging and increasing neighborhood capacity for sustainability, economic opportunity, happiness and well-being.  More information on the content of this meeting will be posted here as well as via the BuildUP Tucson & Beyond googlegroup.  If you want to be part of the google group email me at .

Community Renaissance and The Partnership for Engagement and Civic Equity (PECE) is also exploring both online and face-to-face opportunities to join with The Kettering Foundation's National Issues Forum Institutes dialogues on "Making Ends Meet: How Should we Spread Prosperity and Improve Opportunity?"

Last item is we are at beginning stage of preparation for the 3rd International Day of Happiness, Tucson & Beyond which will be extended to two days in 2017: Sunday, March 19 the the official March 20th global celebration on Monday.  Let us know if your organization wants to be part of this event.

As you can see, we have a lot of positive energy flowing from the summer into early autumn, so join us as we work together to make communities Better for Us!

Monday, July 25, 2016

BuildUP^ Tucson and Beyond Updates

On April 20th, close to forty folks from Tucson, Pima County and Sierra Vista met at Startup Tucson to focus on how new online tools and collaborations can help buildup^ our communities.  After greetings, information was shared and discussed about the following efforts:
  • Santa Monica Well-being Project
  • Community Renaissance's Do Happy Today Partnership with Limberlost Neighborhood and others 
  • Southern Arizona Fair Housing Council's Opportunity Index  
  • University of Arizona's Geodesign Collaboration Leadership Summit 
The conversations have continued through informal social networking gatherings the third Thursday of the month at La Cocina Restaurant and through a BuildUP^ google group and at .  Sixteen additional members have participated in the informal La Cocina gatherings of 10-12 and another forty have expressed interest through Facebook. Forty nine members are registered on Facebook.

At the La Cocina gatherings, participants share brief info about the positive work they are doing and, if appropriate, make an "ask" from the group that other participants can respond to and/or support. Previous gatherings included info and asks from The Mindfulness Exchange Project, City of Tucson Urban Landscaping Program and Water Dept. City of Tucson Ward 3.

Examples from the most recent gathering on 7/21 are:

From Debbie with "damenschen: making life better for people with dementia"--where can she offer baby dolls to be be placed (and assuage anxiety for) seniors with dementia?  Response: Cascades of Tucson.  Also, Debbie shared the upcoming STEAM Adventure for 900 4th-8th graders at PCC/Northwest.

From Tina Marie, a member of Tucsons Young Professionals/TYP:  she is a startup coach and business coach at  . She is assisting TYP with IGNITE 520 on 10/21 and needs help in raising funds through sponsorships of $1500-10,000.  Response: pending

From Michael/President of Limberlost NA:  shared info on the progress of the Limberlost Family Park's Walking Path which will proceed with funds through City of Tucson Parks and Recreation. His ask--is there/could there be a way to add an app such as Pokemon Go to draw people to walk the park?  Response:  Valley of the Moon is purchasing a "lure" to draw more people to their venue which is already registered on the Pokemon Go map.  Also from Michael who is developing desert-designed greenhouses through Nurse Tree Arch .  He is looking for team members to help build more structures.  Response:  suggestion to contact Citizens for Solar and Solar Tucson

From Kevin at Fengshui Planning .  He shared information on an upcoming Habitat for Humanity "out & about mixer" sponsored by the GLBT Chamber of Commerce, 7/29 5-7:30 p.m. at Habitat for Humanity Tucson .  They are trying to raise $90,000 to build affordable housing for a Habitat approved family.  He is also working with Limberlost Family Park to raise funds for reflective benches on the Family Walking Path.  

From Maggie is working with others to build an eco-village for members of the homeless community.  Response: scholarship offer to attend the UA Geodesign Collaboration Leadership Summit "Mitigating Poverty".

From Iris at UA Geodesign Collaboration Leadership Summit .  This summit on 7/28-29 will focus on innovative collaboration and mapping approach to reduce the level of S. Arizona.  She encouraged participants to register for this event.

From Zach, at Valley of the Moon .  He noted their recent successes, including being the newest historic preservation-registered site in Tucson.  They are transitioning into a volunteer organization the needs more organizing capacity and asked for help with that transition and help with rebuilding their adobe house. Response:  Michael offered his leadership and development resources and Hillary offered assistance from her contact at the UA College of Architecture.

From Lisa at Pima Public Library .  She described how the main library's Idea Space is evolving into Idea Camp with staff development programs at Martha Cooper Library, Oro Valley and main administration.  She also shared that she will be going the LeanIn Circle National Conference and bringing back new ideas to Tucson/Pima County's Women of Purpose Leanin Circle.  She asked for help with WordPress.  Response:  Debbie told her about a WordPress Meetup Group.

From Anita and Mark .  Anita shared info on the upcoming TENWEST Festival .  Volunteers to help with TENWEST are needed.  She also briefly shared info on Community Renaissance's Program Do Happy Today and the upcoming Tucson Birthday with DHT at Cinema La Placita 8/18  Cupcakes will be provided from Cakes for Causes .

Zach offered a celebratory toast to everyone's efforts and either Kevin or Anita will offer the toast at the next gathering at La Cocina 8/18 5:30-7 p.m.

POST MEETING:  Anita and Iris and Kevin are exploring collaborating with other BuildUP^ and Do Happy Today Partners on the next BuildUP^ event in early November.  Also, a new BuildUp^ motto has been identified from a Facebook post:

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement

Ten years ago, the consulting business introduced the Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement (PECE, pronounced "peace").  PECE is Community Renaissance's organizational branch that offers pro bono programs and services.

Within PECE, a group of us started Just Communities Inc. (JCI) which is now conceptually housed at the Southwest Fair Housing Council  Also as PECE programs, we initiated Do Happy Today in 2014, followed by BuildUP^ Tucson & Beyond in April, 2016.

As we update and redesign our website, we are also revisiting what programs PECE will continue and which ones will be changing.  We hope you share ideas with us about how to continue to serve our communities in Southern Arizona and beyond.

Please send your suggestions to   Thanks!!

Monday, June 20, 2016

A reality check for the FREE ebook BetterforUs

It's been several months since I took serious steps for the ebook and I will tell you why:  life gets in the way...other tasks, particularly with the post International Day of Happiness events (March 20th) and beginning of an offshoot from that effort: BuildUP^ Tucson and Beyond (April 20th).

This gathering at Startup Tucson led to establishing a BuildUP^ Tucson google group and generating a social networking group that meets monthly at La Cocina Restaurant.

From those action steps, Community Renaissance is setting up a new website and preparing a Summer Newsletter for the the 300 folks now part of  our email network.  Attention to planning for a second TENWEST event (October) in Tucson is taking quite a bit of effort and we're doing this because the TENWEST Connected Communities track will feature Do Happy Today-related sessions on happiness and well-being

I did try out some ebook software (didn't like it) and sent a request to fivrr (no response) for assistance with cover design for the ebook, so those elements are stuck for now. There are many other resources to check out for ebooks, but most of them are for publishers and authors who want to sell ebooks.  That's not the case with's a "give away".  
So, the new Community Renaissance website will have a PDF of the book when it is finished for readers to download at no cost, i.e. it will be a FREE ebook.

If you are interested, contact and we will add you to the list to receive the book.  

In the meantime, we invite you to connect with us to our activities via Facebook page: 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Two plus one events from Spring 2016 show how a community becomes Better for Us and Better for All

March 20, 2016 International Day of Happiness Tucson, convened by Do Happy Today at Limberlost Family Park, 75+ people participating

Also, March 20, 2016 at Valley of the Moon: more happiness, 150 people participating

A month later, Do Happy Today/Community Renaissance convene BuildUP^ Tucson and Beyond, hosted by Startup Tucson, 40 people participating

with special guest, Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild, background image by Life is Good

Stay in touch with BuildUp^ and join our social media group on Facebook.

Sharing fundraising info to other NPOs

As a new member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, I wrote up these notes for the Tucson Women's Chorus (TWC) http://www.t...